
dna1 How Activating Your DNA May Help Dissolve Addictions

Ask any holistic healer, shaman, or medical practitioner that understands healing at a deeper level… and they are bound to agree that true healing incorporates more than just healing on a physical level, especially so with addictions, since not all addictions are as simple as a physical dependency. In this world that we live in, everything is connected and thus your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies are all interconnected through an intricate web of etheric energies… once this notion is understood, then healing something as complicated and subtle as an addiction, suddenly becomes simple.

There are many modalities made available to the public for treating addiction, and these range from ‘speaking to someone’, substituting one addiction with another, hypnotherapy, shamanic plant medicine, and as the title would suggest: DNA Activation! Of-course the treatment methods available are much more wide and varied than listed, although the above mentioned are the most popular in this day and age… if you have been searching for a modality that works for you, then DNA Activation may be just what the doctor ordered, even if it does seem a little ‘space-age’.

The process of activating your DNA involves a shamanic style of ceremony that may be performed in-person or at-a-distance, and is considered a pioneering style of meta-genetic medicine, part of the Era3 modalities of energy healing. There is nothing that you need to do on your part other than invite the session into your life with pure intent of tapping and embodying your highest potential, which would of-course include alleviating any addictions that may be hindering your growth and unfoldment. The session takes no longer than half an hour, and you simply need to find yourself in a relaxed state, somewhere comfortable where you won’t be disturbed… the rest as they say is history.

Setting intent before and after the session is an integral part of activating your DNA. Unlike traditional diets and other modalities where the approach may be somewhat ‘dogmatic’ and you must follow a set of instructions for the treatment to work, activated DNA encourages you to use your intuition in terms of what is right for you, your body, and your overall healing process. Depending on your energetic schema, there is a timeline that explains the ‘detox’ and ‘re-calibration’ process… so that if you start noticing certain ‘funks’ physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually: you know why!

There have been many studies conducted as to why and how DNA Activation helps treat a number of ailments that conventional medicine hasn’t been successful at curing once and for all. One of the extrapolated hypothesis has been that treatment in most cases is no more than a band-aid, and as such return visits to the doctor are common. The process of activating your DNA bypasses that process by facilitating a ‘wholing’ or ‘self-healing’ by resetting your original DNA blueprint to it’s perfect state of health and well-being… thus dissolving any and all addictions that you may have picked up along the way, after all the path of self-mastery must entail the art of self-control.

For more information and to decide whether this style of energy treatment is right for you, you are more than welcome to visit the following dedicated page on DNA ACTIVATIONS which has links to some great books explaining the scientific and metaphysical reasons the REGENETICS method works so well at helping people rid themselves of addictions that may very well be masked as a ‘bad habit’.

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